- It is okay to take over the counter Tylenol as directed on the bottle if needed.
- Sleep with head elevated the night of your procedure.
- Wash face gently but avoid manipulation of the treated area.
- Wear SPF 30+ and avoid direct sunlight in order to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
Bruising and swelling can last for a few days up to a few weeks post treatment. - A stinging or “pulling” sensation/discomfort is normal for approximately 2-4 weeks.
- Follow up appointments will be made 7-10 days, 1 month and 3 months post treatment.
POST Procedure AVOID:
- For 8 hours post-treatment avoid vigorous activity.
- Strenuous exercise for 1 week after facial treatments and 2 weeks after body treatments. No deep squats for one month if you have had any threads injected into the buttocks area.
- For 10 weeks post treatment, avoid Radio-frequency (RF) or any heat producing device (laser/IPL) treatments of the area treated with threads
2 weeks post treatment AVOID:
- Aspirin or any aspirin containing products, anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs (NSAID’s – Aleve, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin). NSAID’s can potentially suppress the new collagen formation process
- Alcohol
- Opening your mouth too wide.
- Steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, or any water source that could be unclean or excessive in temperature for two weeks.
- Taking Ibuprofen for 2 weeks. Acetaminophen may be taken instead, if needed.
- Massage or manipulation of the tissue for 2 weeks.
- Excessive movement or animation of the area injected for 2 weeks (including opening mouth wide to eat certain foods, no comedy shows, no dental procedures)
- Aesthetic treatments including RF, IPL, Laser, or Microneedling for 4 weeks.