Absolute Contraindications
-Accutane within the last year (unless Dr approval)
- Active acne, esp. inflammatory
- Active bacterial, fungal, viral skin infection
- Active Rosacea (nodular/pustular)
- Allergy to stainless steel or other metals
- Bleeding/blood clotting disorders or hemophilia
- Cardiac abnormalities (ex: pacemaker)
- Collagen vascular disease
- Current chemotherapy
- Current cold sore/Herpes simplex outbreak
- Dermal filler or Botox in the past 2 weeks - Diabetes (uncontrolled)
- High doses of corticosteroids
- Immunosuppression disease (HIV/AIDs)
- Irritated skin
- Keloids (& prone to keloids)
- Liver disease or Hepatitis
- Open wounds/sores
- Poor wound healing
- Pregnant/breastfeeding
- Recent sun exposure or sunburnt skin - Scleroderma (hardening of skin)
- Skin Cancer (can spread cancer cells)
- Warts (can be contagious)
Posible contraindications (depends on every case)
- Anti-coagulant medication (need Dr’s approval)
- Any photosensitizing medication (Ex. Anti-cholesterol agents, sulfa antibiotics, antihistamines, etc)
- Glycation (can worsen the wrinkles)
- New scars (wait 6 weeks – 6 months if approved by Dr)
- History of Psoriasis or Eczema
- Severe solar keratosis
- Systemic diseases: Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis (need Drs approval)