What is Laser Hair Removal?

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Discover the pinnacle of hair removal technology with the revolutionary Spot-Flex Diode Android technology exclusively at SISU Beauty Clinic. Say goodbye to the tiresome rituals of shaving, waxing, or plucking as our state-of-the-art system offers a semi-permanent solution, targeting hair follicles beneath the surface for enduring results. Embrace the beauty of effortless smoothness with these unparalleled advantages:

  • Suitable for both men and women, catering to diverse hair removal needs
  • Achieves an impressive 80 to 90 percent reduction in unwanted hair, delivering noticeable and long-lasting results
  • Sets the gold standard for longevity among hair removal methods, ensuring enduring smoothness without constant maintenance
  • Liberates you from the daily grind of hair removal upkeep, allowing you to savor the luxury of impeccably smooth skin effortlessly.


How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal, a minimally invasive procedure, harnesses the power of concentrated diode or IPL laser technology to target hair follicles. By emitting pulses of energy, it disrupts the hair growth process safely and effectively. This energy penetrates the skin, where it's absorbed by the hair follicle's pigment (melanin), leading to the destruction of targeted hairs and a significant reduction in future growth. As hair grows in various stages, achieving permanent reduction typically requires four to six sessions, resulting in finer and thinner regrowth each time.

Unlike alternative methods, laser hair removal can treat large areas in a single session, minimizing office visits and offering long-term cost savings for hair removal.


Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective option suitable for individuals of all skin tones and types. While generally well-tolerated, expect some redness and tenderness, akin to a mild sunburn, for a few days post-treatment. Minor side effects like crusting, skin discoloration, or infection may occur, with more serious outcomes such as burning, blistering, or scarring being rare, especially when the procedure is performed under expert guidance.


It's essential to avoid laser hair removal during pregnancy due to potential risks. However, any increased hair growth resulting from pregnancy typically resolves naturally over time.


Exercise caution when considering treatment on areas with tattoos, as it can lead to blisters, burns, or distortion of the tattoo. For those planning tattoos in areas targeted for hair removal, it's advisable to undergo laser treatment beforehand to prevent complications.

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